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Tag: Winter training

  • 8-tips-for-managing-warmth-on-cold-winter-rides

    8 Tips for Managing Warmth on Cold Winter Rides

    Yes, there are high-tech turbo trainers, Zwift, and many other inventions that make indoor training fun and realistic but nothing beats the adventure of real winter outdoors cycling. If you’re one of those who want to keep cycling year-round, here are a few essential tips…

  • winter-cycling-training-support-systems

    Winter Cycling Training – Support Systems

    Winter, and the off-season in general, is a great time to work on your weaknesses and develop effective support systems. That means systems that will keep you training during the winter and systems that will support a good baseline fitness that will keep your body…

  • winter-cycling-training-riding-indoors

    Winter Cycling Training – Riding Indoors

    These days, indoor cycling is a big part of winter training, especially if you want to increase your fitness during the off-season and you don’t live in a warm climate. Even though training indoors is still just sitting on a bike and cycling on a…

  • winter-cycling-training-plan-for-intervals

    Winter Cycling Training – Plan for Intervals

    It would be great if we all had time to build an aerobic base as the pros do, travel to a warm country for winter endurance training, and rack up several long easy rides every week. Unfortunately, most cyclists don’t have that option. But as…

  • where-does-motivation-for-cycling-in-winter-come-from

    Where Does Motivation for Cycling in Winter Come From

    Training in bad weather or indoors just doesn’t compare to those epic summer rides. It’s not uncommon to feel a lack of motivation as the off-season settles in. If that’s happening to you now then this article will put you on the right track. Let’s…

  • winter-cycling-training-reverse-periodisation

    Winter Cycling Training – Reverse Periodisation

    When winter training is mentioned, many cyclists imagine long boring rides that build aerobic base. That’s one way to do it. Thankfully, there’s another that can produce very good results too. It’s called reverse periodisation and it’s the first thing we will take a look…

  • jiri-jezeks-training-plan-winter-months

    Jiří Ježek’s Training Plan For Winter Months

    As an ex-pro, I can feel that it’s quite the challenge to keep fit in the limited time of everyday busy schedule. Especially in winter, when days are shorter and the weather isn’t always suitable for riding a bike outside. Here is my weekly training…

  • top-principles-proper-winter-training

    Top Principles of a Proper Winter Training

    Cycling has been traditionally regarded as a summer sport and so sometimes it’s difficult to convince not only your relatives but even yourself, that a great January ride isn’t the easiest way of ending up in the intensive care unit of your local hospital. But…