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Tag: Sleep

  • cheap-vs-expensive-ways-to-recover

    Cheap vs Expensive Ways to Recover

    Every cyclist would love to recover faster after a hard ride. There are many different ways to speed up recovery, but they differ in price and effectiveness. What are the things that have the greatest benefit that cost the least? Here is an overview of…

  • how-to-tell-when-youre-rested

    How To Tell When You’re Rested

    In today’s world of fitness trackers and wattmeters, it might seem easy to tell when you can keep pushing and when you should rest. Unfortunately, technology and data are only half the story. You might hit your watt numbers and follow the recovery advice from…

  • 5-things-to-try-when-nothing-helps-you-sleep-better

    5 Things to Try When Nothing Helps You Sleep Better

    You tried it all – going to bed early, having a calming ritual, sleeping in a cold and dark room, supplementing – and your sleep is still poor. You’re not alone! A lot of people who do the basics right still struggle with sleep. In…

  • how-to-make-sure-you-keep-the-weight-off

    How to Make Sure You Keep the Weight Off

    Losing weight is hard but not as hard as keeping it off. Only about 20% of those who lose weight maintain it in the long term. But don’t despair! There are several proven ways you can keep the weight off, ranging from exercising to controlling…

  • how-to-stick-to-your-diet-setbacks

    How to Stick to Your Diet – Setbacks

    It’s not a question of if but when you’ll experience your first setback. Life is simply too messy and we all stumble sometimes. But that’s ok. The important thing is what you do next. If you understand the main reasons why people experience setbacks and…

  • 5-diet-tips-that-work-for-everyone-sleep

    5 Diet Tips That Work for Everyone – Sleep

    How is sleep a diet tip? It might seem like sleep doesn’t have much to do with your diet. Science shows that for almost everyone, the opposite is true – sleep has a big impact on our food choices. Let’s take a look at how…

  • autumn-immunity-boost-4-tips-for-excellent-sleep

    Autumn Immunity Boost – 4 Tips for Excellent Sleep

    We could all use an immunity boost in these dark and cold autumn days to avoid falling ill and having to skip training or give up recreational riding for a while. Science shows that a few lifestyle factors can play an important role in our…