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Tag: Cycling Climbing

  • opinion-top-3-best-climbers-of-all-time

    OPINION: Top 3 Best Climbers of All Time

    Ever since climbing was first introduced in Tour de France in what only can be described as an assassination attempt, climbers have been elevated in the cycling community as some kind of demigods. While every discipline in a cycling race is exciting, and the best…

  • become-a-better-climber-training-tips

    Become a Better Climber – Training Tips

    Climbing can be one of the most rewarding parts of cycling. When you are fit and well-prepared, nothing compares to the feeling of conquering a mountain on a bike. Let’s go over ways to train for climbing you can use no matter how tall the…

  • become-a-better-climber-tactics-and-nutrition

    Become a Better Climber – Tactics and Nutrition

    Climbing has a reputation of scaring new cyclists and demoralising even those with experience. Climbing is hard and it should stay that way. That’s the reason cyclists feel really good reaching the top. What can change is how much effort is wasted and how much…

  • become-a-better-climber-to-sit-or-to-stand

    Become a Better Climber – To Sit or To Stand?

    Should you stand up when climbing or stay seated? It’s a commonly discussed question among cyclists. Why do some cyclists enjoy getting out of the saddle? Is it more efficient? When should you stand up and how to do it well?

  • a-few-tips-to-improve-your-climbing-skills

    A Few Tips to Improve Your Climbing Skills

    Now that you are free to travel again, this is the year you are going to fulfil a dream by climbing Mont Ventoux the way the riders in the Tour de France have done 18 times since 1951. Or, say, the Alpe d’Huez. Or even…

  • 5-tips-to-ride-uphill-faster

    5 Tips to Ride Uphill Faster

    Hearing about the number of watts pros push out and seeing how lean they look, it can be very easy to think that riding uphill is all about power and body weight. While both of those are very important, there’s more to climbing. Let’s take…