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Tag: Children and Cycling

  • cycling-with-your-kids-what-are-the-bike-options

    Cycling With Your Kids: What Are the Bike Options?

    There’s a chill in the air and the leaves are slowly turning vibrant shades of orange but there’s still plenty of fun to be had with a day out on the bikes as a family. Whether for leisure or for commuting purposes, getting the right…

  • how-to-get-your-child-excited-to-ride-their-bike-to-school

    How to Get Your Child Excited to Ride Their Bike to School

    Back to school is just around the corner, and after a very strange year, it is safe to say that many kids, and parents alike, are looking forward to getting back into a more predictable routine. After all the chaos and uncertainty caused by the…

  • should-cyclists-be-licensed-and-insured

    Should Cyclists Be Licensed – and Insured?

    On a bleak English day in March 2019, The Right Honourable The Lord Winston stood in Parliament’s House of Lords and asked whether cyclists “riding bicycles in city centres should have a licence and third-party insurance?”

  • back-to-school-on-bikes

    Back to School on Bikes!

    Do you work part-time as a taxi driver that brings your kids to and from the school every day? What about letting them cycle instead? Experts talk about the appropriate age and significant benefits of commuting to school on bikes.

  • a-kid-bicycle-seat-that-could-fit-in-your-bag

    A Kid Bicycle Seat That Could Fit in Your Bag

    Riding by yourself or with a kid makes a big difference. How to involve your mini clone in cycling? In the first few months, the choice will probably be a chariot, a grand vehicle towed behind your rear wheel, functioning as a 2-in1 mobile bed…