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Another Week in Lockdown for the Pros and Other News from the World of Cycling

By Monica Buck

Another Monday is here and our news from the world of cycling with it. So, what did you miss?

Ineos might pull out of Tour de France

The French Grand Tour has been postponed, which is good news for Chris Froome who can fully recover. However, the teams principal has reservations about the teams appearance.


We would reserve the right to withdraw the team should we deem it necessary,” Brailsford told the Guardian, citing his team’s withdrawal from racing in March as Covid-19 infections gathered pace. “Whilst the race is on, we will plan to participate, but equally we will monitor the evolving nature of how things play out, as we did prior to Paris-Nice. This is a sensible, responsible and reasoned approach.”

Clearly not affected


Those crazy fans


Will the real Troll Cyclist please stand up?


Stay safe!
