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Beginner 50k Training Plan – Week 3

By Jiri Kaloc

You need about 21 days to develop a habit so by the third week, your training plan will start feeling like a normal part of your life. That’s good because from now on, you will start implementing some faster rides and cross-training too.

Week 3 – Riding faster

The goal for this week is to implement some higher intensity. Tuesday is the usual, 45 minutes at talking pace (TP). But the 60-minute on Thursday ride should include 20 minutes at a moderate pace (MP) somewhere in the middle. The weekend ride is all talking pace again but for 90 minutes. You should also find one day for cross-training.


Cross-training is a great tool for any cyclist because it can do a lot for injury prevention and it keeps things interesting. Depending on what sport you do, it can help with endurance, power, and balance and it’s a good way to give your body time to recover from cycling while still being active. From this week on, use one of your rest days to include a short and light session of cross-training such as swimming, strength-training, running or whichever activity you prefer.

Choosing the right snack

With rides that are over 60 minutes, nutrition starts being a factor. If you know you will spend more than 60 minutes in the saddle, plan to eat a small snack every 20-30 minutes to keep your energy levels up. This habit will come in handy with harder and longer sessions and on race days.

You can go with a piece of fruit (like a banana), jam sandwiches or an energy bar. If you want to make sure your bar is made from the right ingredients, check out our recipe in the video below. But, in any case, test various options to see what foods feel best on the bike. You should feel energized, not like your stomach is too full and you want to take a nap. Avoid foods with a lot of fat and fibre.

Next up in Beginner 50k Training Plan series

All articles from Beginner 50k Training Plan series