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Nibali Hungry to Win Big Races and Other Cool News from the World of Cycling

By Monica Buck

Another Monday is here and our news from the world of cycling with it! So, what did you miss?

Vincenzo wants more

All three Grand Tours and both Italian Monuments. Sounds like an amazing career for any cyclist, let alone an Italian one. Vincenzo Nibali, however, is not content.

“I’m not satisfied. I want to win other important races,” the 34-year-old Sicilian told La Gazzetta dello Sport.

He sat in 4th place in this year’s Tour de France when a fan’s camera strap caused him to fall and break his vertebra on stage 12. Bahrain-Merida’s lawyers are still communicating with the Grand Boucle officials about compensation.


“If I have vented out recently, it was only because this year was particularly hard because of the crash. Without the fractured vertebra in the Tour, it would not have been that way. I had made immense sacrifices to find the ideal condition. And everything went up in smoke and also compromised the World Championships.”

The 34-year-old already looks towards the future. Nibali likes both the Giro and the Tour routes. And he admits he might go for both. From what he’s saying, you can tell that he is still very ambitious.

“Looking ahead, I’m going for another two years after 2019. But I do not want to be categorical, maybe I’ll continue up until I’m 40 years old, or maybe I’ll get tired first. Or in two years. I could concentrate only on the Classics.”

What do you think? Does Vincenzo still have it in him?

The love


Yeah, right


Strava still ok, we hope!



What a fantastic tree!
