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Government Minister Cycles to Hospital to Give Birth and Other Cool News from the World of Cycling

By Monica Buck

Another Monday is here and our news from the world of cycling with it. So, what did you miss?

New Zealand Minister is really green

The Green Party’s Julie-Anne Genter, who is minister for women and associate minister for health and transport, was two weeks overdue when it was decided that she would be induced. The pregnant politician opted for a bike ride to get to the Auckland Hospital, for which she was highly praised by her own party.

“Beautiful Sunday morning for a bike ride, to the hospital, for an induction to finally have this baby. This is it, wish us luck!” Julie-Anne Genter wrote on Instagram.


The 42-week pregnant lady said it was “mostly downhill to the hospital”.

Hats off to her!

Parenting. You’re doing it right

The dedication


Talking dirty

It’s growing on him