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Former TdF champion Jan Ullrich Arrested and Other Weird News from the World of Cycling

By Monica Buck

Another Monday is here and our news from the world of cycling with it. So, what did you miss?

Restraining order against Ullrich

The winner of the 1997 Tour de France was arrested in Mallorca, following an altercation with his neighbour. Ullrich reportedly jumped the fence of Til Schweiger on Friday evening and threatened the actor while he hosted a party. There was even a brawl according to the witnesses, and Ullrich asked to see a doctor after he had been taken to a police station.

Cyclist Jan Ullrich at the court in Palma de Mallorca after the police arrested him for allegedly climbing over the fence of his neighbor, Till Schweiger. © Profimedia, Splash

The former pro already appeared in court, and the judge issued a restraining order requiring the 44-year-old to keep away from Schweiger. This isn’t the first brush with the law for the 2000 Olympic Road Race winner. Last September, Ullrich was handed a 21-month suspended prison sentence by a Swiss court for DUI and speeding.

Geraint Thomas jokes

Everyone with the right name seems to be having a ball at the moment.

Got the looks of a champion?

Oh, the Manx Man

Tell us in the comments!
