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Comedian’s Viral Video about Cycling in London and Other Cool News from the World of Cycling

By Martin Mrazek

Another Monday is here and our news from the world of cycling with it! So, what did you miss?

Why Isn’t Cycling Normal in London?

Comedian and singer Jay Foreman shot a documentary about cycling in London which has gone viral over the last few days. It has already been watched almost 300,000 times since it was posted on Wednesday. The 11-minute video explores the history of cycling in the British capital and mixes serious journalism with light-hearted jokes. You can watch it in the link below.

What do you think about the recent “cycling revolution” in London? Let us know in the comments.

Nibali wins Milan-San Remo

The first Italian victor of the famous classic since 2006 launched a solo attack on the Poggio climb and was 8 seconds in the lead when he reached the top of it. With 5,4 km to go, Nibali went for it and managed to retain the lead at the bottom of the descent. The sprinters’ teams moved back to the front at that moment and set up a nail-biting final kilometre. Nibali, however, managed to hold them all off.


“I was cold, calculating. I joined the Latvian champion who asked for me to pull and I did,” Nibali said after the race. “When I saw we had 20 or so seconds, on the last part of the Poggio, I decided to go hard. I was free, strong and holding it as far as I could. The last kilometres were endless – pure suffering.”

No serious injury for Cavendish

Having already abandoned the Abu Dhabi Tour following a crash with an official car and being eliminated from Tirreno-Adriatico after a crash in the opening team time trial in which he sustained a broken rib, the Manx Man admitted he was riding Milan-San Remo in support of other Dimension Data riders. His bad luck, however, seems to continue. Cavendish collided with a bollard on the exit of a roundabout and brought down many riders with him. Luckily, no one suffered any serious injuries.



It’s all about aero!

Hard at work for the next Roubaix

No such thing as bad weather