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6 Steps to Get Back On Track After Overeating

By Jiri Kaloc

Did you overeat during the holidays? How about your birthday, the Saturday night party, or at your grandma’s? There are plenty of opportunities where it’s pretty much expected to eat a lot of food. And those might set you on a downward spiral of overeating. If that happens, you better have effective tools for getting back on track.

1. Don’t give up

The most common and problematic reaction to overeating is thinking that it’s all over. If you give up on your diet just because you went overboard for a day or two you are sure to never make a successful change. You can rest assured that a couple of bad days won’t undo months or years of eating well.

2. Don’t overcompensate

The opposite and equally bad approach is to try and overcompensate. If you start skipping meals and exercising heavily every time you eat too much, you are setting yourself up for a yo-yo effect and building an unhealthy and anxious relationship with food.


3. Plan what to do instead of eating

Overeating is often triggered by situations or emotions that don’t have much to do with food. The food is there just to compensate for lack of something else. Maybe you need to relieve stress, feel comfortable, or entertain yourself. If that was the case, you can plan activities that achieve that and don’t contain any calories.


4. Add vegetables to every meal

Cutting back on food is hard, especially after eating something delicious and addictive. One thing that will help you feel satiated and naturally eat a bit less is fibre. Adding plenty of vegetables to your meals is the best way of doing that.

5. Drink more water

Another thing that helps regulate appetite and promote satiation is water intake. Drinking plenty of water will help you feel better and prevent false feelings of hunger. Also note that vegetables are not only full of fibre but water too, yet another reason to eat more of them.

6. Take pictures of everything you eat

The final goal is to return back to your normal diet that you know works for you. Having a good plan, plenty of fibre and water is good but it’s still not guaranteed that you start eating less. That’s why I suggest you take pictures of everything you put in your mouth for at least a week. For one, you will start thinking more about what you actually eat. And also, you will clearly see if the amount of food is going down or not.