1. Inflated Tires
Apparently, this could help you spare time when changing wheels. You just open your trunk and grab one. Nonetheless, the enormous heat could very possibly result in the highly pressurized tires exploding.
2. Bars and gels
After a couple of hours in the sun, your car could simply transform in an oven on four wheels. Under extreme temperatures, all easy-to-eat nutrition substantials such as bars would melt into one piece of mess or get liquefied.
3. Gear with neon colours
Even though it sounds like some kind of crazy sorcery, there are studies proving that neon paint deteriorates when exposed to direct sunlight. If you want to prevent them from fading, you’d better keep them covered.
4. Bikes with hydraulic brakes
Without exaggerating, the fluid used in hydraulic brakes might literally evaporate. Apart from the hydraulic gear, the sun might cause damage on chain lubes or degreasers. Most of the agents have their limiting temperatures written on the containers, so read the instruction before leaving them unattended in the car.
5. Inflators with CO2
Because of the same reason cartridges containing gases aren’t allowed on board of planes, you should also exclude them from stowing them under your seat in a car parked in the sun as this too can turn potentially dangerous. There are stories going around about people tossing them into fire or duct-taping them to railroad tracks without making them explode but as the producers warn us against exposing cartridges to extreme temperatures, we would rather obey. None of us can imagine how much could the car interior warm up during a sunny day on Mallorca.
6. Full bidons
Coming back to your car after 100+ km ride in the hills of Tenerife Island can make you more than thirsty. With all of your bottles dried up, you grab your spare one from the trunk so fast that you don’t realize it contains nearly boiling water. Unless you don’t have the intention to get yourself an afternoon tea, stay away from drinking it.