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Nutrition for Women – A Healthy Relationship with Food

By Jiri Kaloc

Eating healthy and exercising are generally considered good habits and a lot of women are trying hard to make them a part of their life. It feels great to lose weight, to get in shape and beat your old times on the bike but there’s a point where trying to take a healthy lifestyle to the next level becomes a problem. What happens if you start optimizing your diet a little bit too much? How to keep your relationship with food and exercise healthy?

More is not always better

If you keep increasing the training load and don’t give your body time to recover, you’ll find yourself performing worse and worse. That’s a clear sign to step off the gas and take it easy. Unfortunately, the pressure to succeed and to look attractive that society puts on women nowadays causes many to push through. This can result in adrenal fatigue and a downward spiral of health issues. More is not always better when it comes to exercise; however, the opposite is true for healthful eating.

Under-eating is your biggest enemy

One of the most costly missteps that women take when trying to improve diet, is being too restrictive. Cutting out foods that cause digestive discomfort or health issues is always a good thing but if you go too far, you can make it really hard for yourself to get enough calories and essential nutrients. And that will have consequences. If have no menstruation for 3 months, experience depressed mood, are easily irritable, and susceptible to on-going illness, then you’re likely being warned by your body, that you’re under-eating.


Keep it simple

Another reason why female athletes put unnecessary pressure on their eating habits is the endless stream of new food and diet trends. In this age of information overload, it’s easy to constantly feel like you’re not doing enough. The media bombardment of shocking headlines about sugar, meat, gluten, clean eating, low carb, low fat, and many others, makes it is easy to get carried away. The important thing here is to keep it simple, try to eat a lot of wholesome real foods, and avoid highly processed products. Then, gradually with small adjustments, find out what works for you, there’s no need to make big changes based on the latest trend.

Make your diet tasty and realistic

Eating should always be healthful but it should also be pleasurable. A mediocre but relaxed and tasty meal with friends often does a lot more good than a super healthy but rushed work lunch in front of a computer. It’s important to listen to your body, and do what makes you feel good and enjoy life rather than something that shaves off the last kilogram but makes you miserable.