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6 Wonderful Treats Designed Just for Cyclists

By Monica Buck

Who wouldn’t like treating themselves to something nice after a long tough ride? It might not always be a wise choice, but living is about more than just counting calories, right? And if you eat and drink the following in moderation, there’s really no harm done! So let’s dig in to some of our favourite bicycle delights.

Pasta di bici

This delicious pasta from Italy comes in three colours and a cool bicycle design. Ideal for hosting a group-ride party? Buy it HERE.

Chocolate bikes

Get yourself a full chocolate cycling kit! A bike, helmet, pump, water bottle and even a bell. All made with some tasty milk chocolate. Find out more HERE.

Bike race biscuit tin

It doesn’t happen very often to an amateur to be able to work their way up through the peloton. But this biscuit tin offers nothing less than that! We admit that “eating your way through the peloton” might be more on point, but still. You don’t want to miss this chance. Buy one HERE.


Chris Froome tribute bar

There is never enough chocolate! And the Va Va Froome chocolate bar takes care of that problem.

Red Bicyclette

The French winemakers claim to have captured the spirit and flavour of the Southern French countryside. An ideal companion for watching Le Tour de France, perhaps? Find out more about them HERE.

Fat Tire Beer

After a trip to Europe, the founder of New Belgium brewery returned to Colorado with a handful of ingredients and an idea. Two years later, Fat Tire, named in honour of his inspiring bike ride across the Belgian countryside, pedalled its way into the hearts of beer drinkers.