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4 Reasons to Drink Beer as a Cyclist

By Jiri Kaloc

We all have different reasons to drink alcohol and, as a cyclist, you might have a few more. Who would say no to a cold beer after a great summer ride? From the previous article, we already know how drinking affects cycling performance. With that in mind, let’s look at some good reasons to have a beer.

They used to drink during the Tour de France

During 1900 – 1960, riders participating in the Tour de France commonly drank alcohol during the race itself. They went for beer, wine, and even champagne to make the race more fun, and less painful.

For example, during the 17th stage of the 1935 Tour, nearly the entire peloton took a break to booze with locals. Julien Moineau, the rider who didn’t stop for the beer wound up winning the stage by several minutes. It was later discovered that Moineau and his friends had organized the impromptu beer break.


Drink it for the health benefits of alcohol

Moderate alcohol consumption is linked to a large variety of health benefits. Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, maintenance of brain health, reduction of symptoms of type 2 diabetes, higher bone density, kidney stones prevention, and increased life expectancy just to name a few. This is a very impressive list for something considered not very healthy. Just keep in mind that all of these benefits are observed in moderate consumption only! Heavy drinking does the exact opposite.


It’s the best post-ride reward

Having a post-ride beer to fantasize about can be a great motivation. You can plan your ride to end at a local brewery and enjoy the social lubrication and relaxation benefits beer can offer. Nothing will taste better when you’re tired, overheated, and sweaty. Plus, recent research shows that up to 660 ml of beer does not dehydrate you, so there’s no need to worry even if you’re training for a race.


Beer can support the local biking community

Beer and bikes just go well together and small local breweries are noticing that. Some of them are actively supporting events for cyclists and bike advocacy organizations too. Check out some cool little breweries in your area and support them! You might find your new favorite beer and make the place more rideable and enjoyable for your biking community at the same time.
