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VIDEO: We Are Ready to Say Our Goodbyes to 2016

Another year swooshed by as swiftly as Froome riding down a slope. If you feel like that you’ve merely turned your head and said “well, let’s do this” and the New Year is here again, we have a remedy for you.

As we (probably) all look forward to sitting in a comfy armchair and sipping cocoa surrounded by festive atmosphere we’ll recollect our scraped knees from spring, summertime cycle trips, and autumn bruises, which will make us realize that quite a lot managed to happen over the year. Let us treat you to the very best of all the amazing things we shared with you over 2016 and you’ll see that it was plenty eventful indeed. Here’s to another one.

2016 was a year of inspirational strong-willed individuals with amazing stories behind who they are now and what nudged them to chase after their goals. Nicole Frýbortová showed us that no dream is too big to conquer and the bike isn’t only for riding – it’s also for dancing.

As a part of our series Meet the Vélo Family we’ve also introduced Petra Hurtová as The Super Hero. Being as hard-headed as a handicapped biker Michal Kosík, another rider who turned misfortune into challenge, she didn’t take no for an answer and she decided to rock.


We had the honour to meet another Vélo Family member, Richard Price, dubbed The Dadbod – news of an illness made him take up cycling and he is putting young guns to shame and his wife into the bicycle widow category.

You know how there are some people whose life motto seems to be “never stop never stopping”? We were lucky to encounter Hera van Willick , our blog section contributor, who is definitely one of them. She is probably passing through some magnificent landscape or building her tent as you read these lines.

Not everybody needs a complex motive behind what they do, sometimes the purpose is just to have fun a create something extraordinary – and that’s perfectly all right. Martin Dražil’s sun-drenched video will give you the proof.

Last but not least, Pavel Kelemen teamed up with Škoda AUTO’s aerodynamic department and they attempted to help him win the Olympic track-cycling race. Has science gone too far? You be the judge.

There are never too many articles written about bike safety. And if you are raising a miniature cyclist it’s better to start them young. That’s why we prepared a day filled with fun and cleverly hidden safety lessons for the youngest riders and their parents. Time to take the side wheels off!

It wouldn’t be a proper year for We Love Cycling without Adventure Camp. The 2016 edition took us to the mesmerizing beauty of the Icelandic landscape. It was both a challenge and a unique experience for our three lucky winners.

All this wouldn’t be possible without you all, our readers, subscribers, and commenters. We can’t wait to meet you next year with fresh news from the world of cycling. May the 2017 sweep you off your feet, but only in the good way!