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Fans of the Tour de France: Could They Get Any Crazier?

By Angie Ng

Tour de France is not just about the sport. It might be hard to admit for the really hardcore cyclists, but it’s also a social event. A social event full of people in weird, funny, and cool costumes. So why not relax for a bit and enjoy the inventive creations the fans have come up with.

Fans on a Digger Truck

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These fans are on a… digger truck… with a tandem bicycle… and polka-dot clothing.

El Diablo


If you’ve been following the Tour de France, you’ll know this guy is a regular.


Mr. Cow and Mr. Chicken

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Well, at least I think the guy in the red-and-yellow outfit is dressed as a chicken….

Mr. Chicken II

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Now this guy is dressed as a proper chicken!

Little Contador Fan


Kids can sport cute costumes, too!

American Man


Instead of cheering for one cyclist, this guy is cheering for his nation.

French Woman


And this woman is rooting for the cyclists from hers!

We Heart France

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These people are also supporting French cyclists!

Guys with Flares

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Apparently, flares are also popular at French rugby and football games…. (Maybe not so cool considering that Bradley Wiggins was burned by one of these at TdF 2012.)