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VIDEO: Freeriding Ukraine’s highest mountain

For the last couple of months we heard about Ukraine only in connection with war. But what often goes forgotten is that the country offers beautiful nature and breathtaking sceneries. And because we have many friends in this lovely country we decided to pay it a visit and to bike downhill its highest mountain Hoverla.

The intent of the expedition, in which participated our ambassador Richard Gasperotti, was to show the virginal nature, picturesque villages and the hospitality of people, so typical for this country. The final destination was a small town of Jasiňa and the Hoverla mountain, lying in the Transcarpathian region, regarded magical by the Ukrainians.

“Media often describe this country as a war zone so you may expect soldiers everywhere, but it really was just a nice backcountry biking with no problems,” says Gaspi.“ Actually, the only “problem” Gaspi had was that he finished the expedition with three broken ribs and he didn’t even know it. He had an accident before the departure and when he got back the RTG showed this:

Jasiňa, with its altitude of 729 meters, was the most eastern Czechoslovakian town in its time, and the Hoverla looming over it with its 2061 metres in altitude is the highest mountain of the Ukraine, which just tempts you to do its first-time downhill on a bike.

The order was clear: “Reach the peak by your means and then ride down on a bike”. Today we can report with confidence – mission completed.


We will bring you the photoreport from the expedition next week, so don’t forget to follow us.